Collectively inciting hope and calling for action.
We invite you to join us in learning, amplifying, and taking action about the MMIW/R crisis.

Native women face murder rates up to 10x the national average.

There are currently over 5,500 missing or murdered Indigenous women and girls—and this is a conservative estimate.

Murder is the 3rd leading cause of death for Native Women.

The crisis of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Relatives (MMIW/G/R) in the United States remains largely under the general public radar.

This epidemic has deep roots in white settler genocidal oppression, typified by encroachment on tribal sovereignty, a history of violence and devaluation of Native life, and a justice system that was never established to protect Indigenous people.

These resources, which include educational materials, support networks, and advocacy organizations, seek to empower individuals and communities while protecting the rights and dignity of Native American victims and survivors.
National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center

is dedicated to restoring the safety of Native women and addressing issues such as human trafficking, domestic violence, and sexual assault by providing resources, advocacy, and technical assistance. / 855-649-7299

StrongHearts Native Helpline

is a culturally-appropriate, confidential, and anonymous helpline for Native American victims and survivors of domestic violence and dating violence, including human trafficking. / 844-762-8483

The National Human Trafficking Hotline

is a confidential, toll-free helpline available 24/7 to provide support, information, and assistance to victims and survivors, as well as to those who suspect human trafficking. / 888-373-7888

The Coalition to Stop Violence Against Native Women

advocates for social change in our communities by providing support, education, and advocacy using our strengths, power and unity to create violence-free communities. / 505-243-9199

Speaking Our Truth, Podcast for Change

An original podcast aimed at building joint action by the National Indigenous Women's Resource Center. As a movement, we can use our collective voices to engage and influence change for Native women.

Struggle for Justice: the Women Behind Hanna's Act

Hanna Harris went missing and was found murdered on the Northern Cheyenne Reservation in 2013. Her legacy prevails through Hanna's Act, which authorizes the Department of Justice to assist local law enforcement in missing persons cases.

Tribal Community Response When a Woman Is Missing

This toolkitprovides a series of steps for what to do if a loved one goes missing.

Savanna’s Act

A fact sheet on the bill that became law on October 10, 2020. Named after 22 year old Savanna LaFontaine-Greywind, a member of the Spirit Lake Nation of North Dakota, who was murdered while she was eight months pregnant in August 2017.

Not Invisible Act

The Not Invisible Act of 2019 aims to address the crisis of missing, murdered, and trafficked American Indians and Alaska Natives by engaging law enforcement, Tribal leaders, federal partners, and service providers, as well as improving coordination across federal agencies.

Practicing solidarity for my missing and murdered Indigenous sisters

An essay by Vivian Cassina, which includes a collection of resources.

Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous Peoples

Dedicated to Indigenous Peoples’ self-determination and the sovereignty of Native nations.

The REDress Project

An installation by artist Jaime Black to bring attention to the critical national issue of missing or murdered Aboriginal women across Canada. It serves as a visual reminder of the staggering number of women who are no longer with us.

Drafting an Enforceable Tribal Protection Order Involving a Non-member

This information guide and checklist suggests topics and issues for advocates to discuss with victims relative to preparing to file a tribal protection order and drafting a tribal protection order in cases involving nonmembers.

Indigenous Ally Toolkit

The toolkit is broken down into three steps that non-Indigenous people can take to have a better relationship with Indigenous people.

MMIWG2 & MMIP Organizing Toolkit

A publication by Sovereign Bodies Institute, in partnership with MMIWG2 families, Indigenous survivors of violence, and their allies.

An ongoing list of local actions that have been enunciated by our on-the-ground partners, as well as broader actions that can be taken to help bring attention, advocacy, and one day, an end to the crisis of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Relatives.
  1. Join the Office of the Liaison for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives as a Community Volunteer Advisory Board Member.
  2. In December 2022, the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) launched a Missing Indigenous Person Alert (similar to an AMBER alert). To receive live notification of Missing Indigenous Persons email:
  3. The Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives Taskforce of Colorado also continuously updates a list of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives in Colorado on their Facebook page. To look for more information and to view the list, visit the Missing and Murdered Indigenous relatives Task Force of Colorado on Facebook.
  1. Attend a National Association for Search and Rescue (NASAR) Training in your area. MMIP Billings offers going training in person and on Zoom. (More details coming soon!)
  1. Take a stand for the protection and justice of Indigenous women in North Carolina. Sign the petition for a MMIW North Carolina Task Force, and urge the NC General Assembly to act now.

More to talk about: WE RIDE FOR HER

A conversation ignited by WE RIDE FOR HER and featuring co-director Prairie Rose Seminole, Medicine Wheel Riders Lorna Cuny and Darlene Gomez, Not Invisible Act Commissioner and former North Dakota State Representative Ruth Buffalo, and actor/comedian and environmentalist Dallas Goldtooth, hosted by Level Forward’s Andrea Ambam. Traverse the origin story and journey of the Medicine Wheel Riders, and uncover the actions that all of us must take to disrupt the erasure and advocate for the end of violence against Native Women.⁣

Join us, alongside the Medicine Wheel Riders, as we collectively incite hope and call for action.
Lifting up the powerful—and often silenced—stories of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Relatives is a critical step in creating meaningful change.
Would you like to screen WE RIDE FOR HER in your community? See our guide to learn more about screening requirements, plus an abundance of information and resources to help make your screening a success.