Let Congress know right now that accurate and comprehensive data is crucial in tackling the MMIWR crisis.
Did you know?
The total number of missing and murdered indigenous women and relatives is unknown.
Federal databases lack complete data from various law enforcement levels.
Is incomplete data the only problem?
No. Flawed reporting and data collection also limit the effectiveness of efforts to track, investigate, and solve MMIWR cases.  
Why is detailed data crucial?
Accurate and comprehensive data is vital for informed policy and spending decisions, adequate resource allocation, prevention efforts, and a full understanding of the MMIWR crisis.
How would you like to contact your legislators? We'll locate their info and help you get in touch.
Representative Finder
*** Go to your legislator's site and locate the contact form. This is often listed under "Contact", but is sometimes called "Share your opinion" or "Write to_______". Enter your contact info where requested, and copy and paste the sample letter, or use it simply as a starting point.
*We ask for your address because it is the best way to provide you with accurate contact information for your representatives. We do not store your information.
As part of my commitment to the 2024 National Week of Action, and my support for May 5 as a National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, I ask you, as a Congressperson and member of our federal government to demand that accurate crime reports for Indian country are generated, and that Congress appropriates the necessary funds to deploy and maintain our National Law Enforcement Accountability Database (NLEAD), as recommended by The Indian Law and Order Commission (ILOC).
Representative Finder
*** Go to your legislator's site and locate the contact form. This is often listed under "Contact", but is sometimes called "Share your opinion" or "Write to_______". Enter your contact info where requested, and copy and paste the sample letter, or use it simply as a starting point.
*We ask for your address because it is the best way to provide you with accurate contact information for your representatives. We do not store your information.
As part of my commitment to the 2024 National Week of Action, and my support for May 5 as a National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, I ask you, as a Congressperson and member of our federal government to demand that accurate crime reports for Indian country are generated, and that Congress appropriates the necessary funds to deploy and maintain our National Law Enforcement Accountability Database (NLEAD), as recommended by The Indian Law and Order Commission (ILOC).
Send 'WRFH' to the chatbot on Apple Messages, WhatsApp, Messenger, Instagram, Telegram, or by text to 50409. Use the provided we provided to Resistbot, or follow the prompts to write your own. Resistbot will find your legislators and send your letter on to them.
Join us, alongside the Medicine Wheel Riders, as we collectively incite hope and call for action.
Lifting up the powerful—and often silenced—stories of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Relatives is a critical step in creating meaningful change.
Uncover the actions that all of us must take to raise the awareness of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Relatives and advocate for the end of this violence.
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